To carryout Project Consultancy for Techno-Economic-Feasibility Report i.e., Detailed Project Report (DPR) in Healthcare service, Medi-Care Projects & Health Systems Management and development of
- Infrastructure, total Architectural & Engineering services
- Instruments & Equipment’s
- Institutional man power development
- Meeting statutory requirements of various councils like NMC, MCI, DCI, INC, PCI etc.
- Efficient & effective project implementation program & Schedule
- Assistance for a proficient Project operation management
Medical Instruments & Equipments
To plan, schedule, procure, install, operate and assist in maintenance of Hospital Instruments And Equipment’s especially for Teaching Hospitals, Medical, Dental, Allied Health Sciences Colleges including Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical lab Technology,X-ray Teaching course etc. and their associated Specialty Hospitals and Research Centers / Institute
To provide complete and total consultancy services to establish, develop, manage and maintain Hospitals including Teaching Hospitals, expansion of Hospitals, establishment of Multi- Specialty and Super Specialty Hospital services etc.
We are also specialists in establishment of compact General cum Multi Specialty Hospitals exclusively for attachment with a Teaching institution as well as Research Institute.
Ancillary Infrastructure & Facilities
To plan, design and develop various associated and ancillaryinfrastructure facilities for Hospitals / Healthcare institutionsvizHospital Laundry, Kitchen, Animal House, Morgue or Mortuary and other engineering services as per statutory requirements.
Medical / Dental – Colleges / PG Institutions
To provide complete and comprehensive consultancy services to establish Hospitals, Medical, Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical & Allied Health Sciences, Colleges / Healthcare institutions and Research Centers etc.
Scope Of Work
We offer a variety of services to our clients and help them to achieve outstanding results in the long run.
Here’s an overview of the consultancy services that our team offers!